Pleasing personality means those who come in contact with you, are really pleased to meet you and would like to remain in your company. With little effort on your part, you can Transform yourself into a Pleasing Personality.
Following are the ways to Self-Create a Pleasing Personality:
- Hand Shake: Since, a Hand Shake is the first contact when you are introduced to any one, it has to be perfected. While Shaking Hands, apply just enough pressure to impress that other person is Welcome and Wanted. A Smile is the prerequisite for any Warm Handshake.
- Voice: When Speaking, your voice must be Cool, Calm and well Modulated. Voice should not be loud nor should it be shrill or high pitched. By constant practice, you can achieve this. When something is said, take time to react or respond. Always, behave like a big Airliner, not like a fighter plane.
- Be a Good Listener: Always work on being a Good and Attentive Listener. When others are talking, do not interrupt them. Even if you disagree with what is being said, never let your disagreement be known abruptly or aggressively. Always put forth your viewpoint Calmly but Effectively.
- Positive Attitude: Foundation of Sound Positive Character is the basic ingredient of any Pleasing Personality. Inculcate a Positive Attitude in life which would not only transform yourself into a Pleasing Personality but also shall help you in many more ways in life.
- Admit your mistakes: Saying ‘I am sorry’ or ‘I think I was wrong’ or ‘ I stand corrected’ are signs of magnanimity, not weakness. Everyone makes mistakes, but unfortunately few admit them. Try to be one of those few. A person who never makes mistake, never makes anything.
- Self-Esteem and Self-Worth: Always, keep these two things high about yourselves in your own mind. Keep your intentions good, with no intention to harm anyone. Such an attitude will give a big boost to your self-confidence to face Life, Challenges and Situations.
Your dedication to become a Pleasant Personality, should be such that when you could be Brilliant or Pleasant, you would always choose Pleasant.
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